Pengertian dan Contoh Narrative Text

Pengertian,Ciri-Ciri dan Contoh Narrative Text - Kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang narrative text. Saya akan menjelaskan mulai dari pengertian narrative text,ciri-ciri narrative text,dan contoh narrative text.

Pengertian Narrative Text
Teks naratif pada dasarnya adalah teks yang menceritakan tentang sesuatu hal yang tidak benar-benar terjadi melainkan hanya di karang oleh sipenulis(Writer). teks naratif bertujuan untuk menghibur, untuk mendapat dan mempertahankan perhatian pembaca / pendengar cerita. Teks naratif bertujuan juga untuk mendidik, memberitahu, menyampaikan refleksi tentang pengalaman pengarangnya, dan yang tak kurang pentingnya ialah untuk mengembangkan imajinasi pembaca / pendengar. Teks naratif umumnya bersifat imajiner, tetapi ada juga teks naratif yang bersifat faktual, yaitu menceritakan kejadian yang sesungguhnya.

Ciri-ciri Narrative Text
Ada beberapa jenis teks naratif yang sering dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari - hari, misalnya dongeng, legenda, cerita misteri, cerita horor, roman, dan cerita pendek.

Teks naratif terdiri dari tiga bagian utama: (1) Orientation yaitu bagian dimana pengarang melukiskan dunia untuk ceritanya, dibagian inilah diperkenalkan dimana dan kapan peristiwa terjadi serta para tokoh; (2) Complication yaitu bagian dimana tokoh utama menghadapi rintangan dalam mencapai cita - citanya, bagian dimana komplik mulai terjadi dan (3) Resolution yaitu bagian permasalahan yang dihadapi tokoh utama diselesaikan. Pada bagian ini mempunyai dua kecendrungan, yaitu mengakhiri cerita dengan kebahagiaan (happy ending) dan atau mengakhiri cerita dengan kesedihan (sad ending), tetapi ada juga teks naratif yang membiarkan pembaca/ pendengar menebak akhir cerita.

Dari sudut pandang fitur bahasa, teks naratif memiliki ciri khas antara lain sebagai berikut:

1. Partisipan yang specific dan sering individual

2. Banyak action verbs ( material processes), dan ada juga yang menggunakan verbal and mental processes.

3. Biasanya menggunakan Past tense.

4. Banyak menggunakan lingking Words yang berkenaan dengan waktu.

5 Sering memasukkan dialog, dan tense akan mungkin berubah.

6 Descriptive language digunakan untuk menciptkan imaji dibenak pembaca.

7 Dapat ditulis sebagai orang pertama (1), atau ketiga ( he, she, they ).

Berikut 2 Contoh Narrative Text :

1. Running Hare and Snail Race

  One day met with a deer slug lane times. Seeing with the slow snail crawl, the deer with the arrogant and arrogantly say.

 Hare: "O snail, dare you race with me?"(Invitation was very taunt snail, thought for a moment, then replied)Snail: "Well, I accept your invitation and do not be embarrassed if later on you own to lose."Hare: "I can not run past the world champion to be outdone by you, snails, animal perangkak first-class in the world." Sneered deer.Hare: "Well, let us specify his run fast!" Replied the deer.Snail: "How about tomorrow Sunday, so many are watching." Said the snail.Hare: "Okay, I agree." Replied the deer.

While waiting for the appointed day, the snail adjust tactics. Soon he collected as many snails nation. During the meeting, the slug fired up with his friends and they want to embarrass deer furiously into public. In deliberation, it was agreed unanimously that the snails race each assigned later standing among the grass at the edge of time. Arrange their own place. When you call a deer in front of the slug that was the answer and so on.The awaited moment came.The audience was very full. The audience came from all corners of the forest.

  Hare and snail has underlined start preparing. Race leader raised the flag, a sign the race started. Hare ran very fast. All the energy release. Applause echoed growing audience, encouraging the deer. After running many miles, stop deer. While panting he called.Hare: "Snail," cried deer.Snail: "Yes, I'm here."

  Because snails have been in front, back kancilpun run very fast until there is no more energy left. Then he was summoned.Hare: "Snail," cried the deer again.Snail: "Yes, I'm here."Many times always so. Until the deer finally limp and can not run again. Give up the deer and admit defeat. The audience stunned.

 Snail victory was welcomed with a smile alone. There is no jump for joy as the winner of the race in general.

2.     Rabbit and Turtles

    In a small forest on the edge of the village there is a rabbit that arrogant. She likes to taunt animals - other weaker animals. Animals - other animals such as turtles - turtles, snails, ants and animals - other small animals no one likes the rabbits was cocky.One day, the rabbit walks arrogantly seek to diejeknya weak opponent. Incidentally he met the tortoise - tortoise.

    Rabbit: "Hey, turtle - the tortoise, the slow, you do not run off the road ..... aja dong so, let me quickly up."Kura - Kura: "Let the hare, slow path indeed. The important thing I got to my destination safely, rather than quickly - faster later fall and get hurt. "Rabbit: "Hey turtles - turtles, what if we run race. If you win, I'll give you anything you ask for a gift. "
    Whereas in the rabbit heart says.

    Rabbit: "How could he be able to beat me."Kura - Kura: "Well, how could I compete rabbit racing with you, you can run and jump quickly, while I go step by step while carrying this heavy my house."Rabbit: "I can not, you should not reject my challenge this. Anyway I'll see you tomorrow morning under the banyan tree. I will call the wolf pack to be the referee. "

    Turtles - turtles can only be silent gawking. Said in his heart.
    Kura - Kura: "How can I beat the rabbit?"
    The next day the rabbit wait Proudly under the banyan tree. Mr. Wolf also has come to be a referee. Once the turtles - turtles come pack of wolves said.
    Wolf pack: "The rules are like this, you start from the tree line on the other side under the mango tree. Can you not see? "Rabbit: "Can ...."Kura - Kura: "Can ...."Wolf pack: "Now who could come first under the banyan tree, that's what wins." Okay, ...... one ...... two ...... three ...... started! "Rabbits jump immediately preceded turtles - turtles, which began to move slowly because he could not leave his house.

    Rabbit: "Come turtles - turtles, run dong!" Well I'm waiting here ya .... "
    Rabbits sit while singing. The wind was blowing softly and when cool, so make sleepy bunny rabbit and soon fell asleep.Slowly but surely turtles - turtle stepping over backwards. With silence - silence he passed a rabbit who had fallen asleep. A few more steps he will reach the finish line. That's when the rabbit got up. How shocked he saw turtles - turtle has almost reached the finish over backwards he ran and jumped to catch turtles - turtle. But it was too late, foot tortoise - tortoise has touched the finish line and a pack of wolves has been decided that the winner is the tortoise - tortoise. The arrogant rabbit stunned silence, as if not believing that he could fall asleep. So who is the winner yes turtles.

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Pengertian dan Contoh Narrative Text